Ombudsman of Republic of Bulgaria

Ombudsman of Republic of Bulgaria

The Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria is a supreme independent constitutional body that is elected by the National Assembly for a period of five years. The Ombudsman is an advocate for the rights of people and the guardian of the public interest.

The Ombudsman is independent in their work and is subject only to the Constitution, laws and international treaties ratified and entered into force for the Republic of Bulgaria.

The Ombudsman intercedes by the means set out in the Ombudsman Act when an action or inaction affects or violates the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the state and municipal authorities and their administrations, as well as those entrusted to provide public services.

The Ombudsman can help if you want to file a complaint or report against the work of:

  • state and municipal authorities and their administrations;
  • persons who provide public services, such as heating, electricity, telecommunications, plumbing, education, health, etc.;
  • the Judiciary administration - for example, in case of unduly delayed proceedings.

Complaints and reports to the Ombudsman may be submitted by all individuals irrespective of nationality, gender, religious beliefs, and political affiliation.

The official language of complaints and signals, and the answers compiled by the Ombudsman, is Bulgarian. Exceptions are allowed for citizens who do not speak Bulgarian.

Online complaints in Bulgarian should be written in Cyrillic. Exceptions are allowed for applicants who live abroad and do not have the required software.

You can file a complaint online HERE.

Ombudsman's reception-room:

Address: 1202 Sofia, 22 George Washington Str.

Phone: 02/81-06-955; 02/980-95-10;

Fax: 02/81-06-963
